Follow-up at Karmanos

Today I had a follow-up appointment at Karmanos. My labs came back good and my white blood cell count is continuing to rise…YESS! My magnesium and sodium is a bit low, so its recommended that I really push salt in my diet. Also I was given a list of foods to increase magnesium. The bottom line is I have to start eating again everyday. My PET scan is scheduled for November 8th and after that a decision will be made about radiation to get rid of the lymphoma still in my chest area.

I’d like to send a special thank you and mad love to Dr. Ayash at Karmanos for the incredible care I have been given. She is a doctor that comes in and really takes her time with me. She stays as long as I have questions and doesn’t try to sugar coat anything. The entire Stem Cell Transplant team is awesome!

One Reply to “Follow-up at Karmanos”

  1. I am so happy about how you are improving . Just keep doing what Doctor’s are telling you, and God will continue blessing you and healing you.
    Have faith, and keep praying.
    Love you,

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